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Free Pregnancy Testing Manchester NH

PARenting programs

We offer free parenting classes, resources, and other help to women and men who choose to parent. Your participation in our “Earn While You Learn” Parenting Program allows you to earn credits to use for purchasing maternity and baby items such as clothing, diapers, baby furniture and more.

Our program exists to give support to moms and dads and to help you learn how to be the best parent you can be. Learn about yourself, develop your parenting skills, strengthen your relationships, manage your lifestyle, and create a balance between work and family.

We strive to answer all of your questions about pregnancy, parenting, and children. The lessons are fun, interesting, practical, and they also give you the chance to earn some pretty awesome baby swag.

Community Referrals

Outside of our own services, we can also help you access other community services and resources that benefit you and your baby. We provide referrals to doctors, healthcare providers, adoption agencies, WIC, Medicaid, and other community resources. Our center can also provide you with a verification of pregnancy form for state health insurance.

Parenting Programs + Education

We provide classes, resources, material assistance & one-on-one support for parents

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